Wednesday, June 10, 2009

To be free....

To be totally honesty with ya'll I've been feeling like shit lately,On top of having a slight case of insomnia I've been stressing over money and a bunch of other shit thats been going on that is too much to really get into for now.And once again I feel like I'm trapped...anyone that knows me knows of my ongoing search of this freedom that seems elude me and drift further and further every time I think its in arms reach. Sometimes I just think its my ambition that creates this self torture in that I'm never satisfied with any and every accomplishment I make,but regardless of whether being self imposed or not the feeling is there and it sets in I heavy I feel like my skull could crack...but in time it'll pass like all pain does one way or another...but on a lighter note I wanted to share this song by Kid Cudi(yes I know it came out a minute ago bear with me) with anyone who's been feeling the same way I have,or worse...yesterday I just had to sit myself down and realize that I have sumthin fuckin amazing to share with the world and as long as I work towards that everything will be

1 comment:

  1. You are a very ambitious person and on top of that your somewhat of a perfectionist. There is nothing wrong with having this attitude about pursuing and achieving your dreams, but as an entrepreneur you need to be able to step back from your work and escape. Go to the movies, Go to the Park, Go Shopping... wait on second thought looking at other peoples clothes would probably piss you off more so nix that last idea, but whatever it is that you find that relaxes you and makes you feel at ease then do that. If you don't nine times out of ten you'll end up burning yourself out and in turn resent your gift. And I for one think the world would be missing out on alot...
